
Stephen Breheny Solar & ElectricalWelcome to SB Solar Battery Services – Testimonial page

SB Solar Battery Services are specialists in Solar installations and Solar battery installations in the Bendigo, Castlemaine and Central Victoria. Fully qualified Electrical Contractors, Solar Grid Connect and Stand Alone Designers and Installers. We have been operating in Bendigo and central Victoria for over 30 years.

  • Christine Henderson, Taradale

    “I can recommend Stephen Breheny highly as an electrician. He is reliable and knowledgeable and, when I needed him to fix a part, he did it quickly and without any charge.”

  • Sally Kaptein, Castlemaine

    “Stephen Breheny installed solar panels on my home in Castlemaine in 2011. I have nothing but praise for the quality of his work. He was also great at explaining how the system works so I felt totally comfortable with my decision to ‘go solar’.”

  • Doug Hansford, Castlemaine

    "Stephen Breheny installed a 5kW solar panel system on George Clark Place, the office and retail complex I own on Barker Street. I can highly recommend him as a solar installer. And the best thing is that my power bills are down by 50%!"

  • Professor Charles Green5KW of solar panels and inverter

    powerwall-2 bendigo

    We have worked with Mr Breheny since 2010. He installed first, the specialised wiring ahead of solar panel installation on our new large home in Castlemaine and, second, the 5KW of solar panels and inverter a couple of years later, and third, a new Tesla battery at the end of 2017. For each job, the workmanship and transparency of costs was perfect, from start to finish, and his help and guidance through the paperwork for each stage was outstanding and incredibly helpful. He has been always available and helpful for after-sales questions and queries, and to troubleshoot any issues (there have been none to do with installation, only to do with understanding how to use software). We have recommended him to all our friends and will use him again when we upgrade our solar capacity or our battery capacity in the future.

    I am available for any further information or clarification to do with this unequivocal endorsement.


    Professor Charles Green

  • John PeckTesla Battery to our property in Kyneton

    Powerwall 2 Bendigo

    Stephen Breheny supplied and installed a Tesla Battery to our property in Kyneton. All workmanship was carried out in a professional and courteous manner.

    The site was left in a neat and tidy condition and the Tesla app was installed to my phone for my convenience by Stephen.

    A follow up call was made by him to ensure everything was working correctly.

    I would not hesitate in recommending him to anyone who was interested in installing a similar system.

    Kind Regards.

    John Peck.

  • David Allan and Judy BeaumarisInstallation of a battery to support our solar system

    Stephen Breheny has carried out several electrical jobs at the above property, including the installation of a battery to support our solar system. All of his work has been completely satisfactory. We were particularly impressed by the time and support

    Stephen made available as regard to our solar system. He was very informative and exhibited much patience as we find such matters quite complex.

    We would have no problem in recommending him to others.

    Yours faithfully

    David Allan and Judy Beaumaris

  • Richard & Jean Wright

    Powerwall 2 Bendigo

    This letter is to confirm that we have 5 kW of solar panels together with a Tesla battery installed at the above address. This system was designed and installed by Stephen Breheny and is performing well. We discussed with Stephen that our aim was to be

    pretty much self-sufficient, and we can confirm that over the past year we have been 96% self-powered.

    We have been completely satisfied with the entire process of dealing with Stephen. His knowledge of solar systems is extensive, and his workmanship is of the highest standard. He is also a helpful and obliging person to deal with.

    The installation of both the panels and the battery was carried out in a timely and professional manner and we have no hesitation in recommending Stephen to anyone seeking to install a quality solar installation to suit their particular needs.

    Please do not hesitate to make contact if further feedback is required.


    Richard & Jean Wright

  • John Rundle & Kaye FrankSolar system and battery install

    powerwall-2 bendigo


    The solar system and battery you installed for us is excellent.

    The install went well, it all looks good and has worked without any problems since installed.

    In fact we are thinking that we should order a second battery (since there is room for one) so that we can reduce our bills even more!

    Thanks again,

    John & Kaye

  • Brent HeathInstallation of 5 kW solar system



    Solar Installer Glenlyon

    Hi Steve

    A quick note to say thank you for the recent installation of my 5 kW solar system.

    I was pleased with your prompt and efficient service. You talked through the various alternative systems and given my power uses, explained fully your recommended 5kw system.

    The installation work was carried out by you and your crew with a minimum of fuss and bother.

    Your follow up explanations and help regarding the grid connection, rebate application and the monitoring of the inverter output (via the App) were comprehensive and easy to understand.

    Carry on the good work.

Solar Rebate